Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 0

They're leaving for their trip tomorrow at the crack of dawn... ok, maybe not the CRACK of dawn.

Word on the street is the A/C in the Audi is on the fritz.... oh the ironies of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Should've went in the Black Dodge 6 wheeler, I bet the AC works fine in it. Of cource it only gets 8 miles per gallon but who's counting gas mileage when you are planing a 3,000 + mile trip.

Sorry about the AC. You can't rely on those old cheap German cars anymore. Shame that someone who owns an AC business sends his kids off for 6 weeks with the AC on the fritz. Go figure

Take care boys and remember what I said about hitchhickers.

Momma Mike

PS. Hey, does this thing have a spell checker????